Both of my Grandparents had an artifact collections.I found my first arrowheads when I was 5. I chipped my first arrowhead when I was in the 4 grade. I used a nail in a handle and a railroad spike as a hammer.We don't have any knappable material where I live close so I used small flakes that I found in the fields. When I was in high school I found DC Wldorf's book on flintknapping. It Took off The bug bit me hard. In 1988 I meet Jeff Pig and Dan Lincoln at a show that I was knapping at.They gave my a few pointers and some larger chert. I attended my first knapp-in in 1989 at the Jeff Pig farm. I have been hitting it hard ever since. I like to swing large antler. I realy like to make large percussion points.Though I love a challenge.I have been known to make eccentrics,fluted points,Danish daggers and now working on learning fog work.
